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Emmanuel Johnson – Media producer, culture lover, deep thinker and full time Arsenal fan.
To Grow a Tree Journal V: Narrowing Down on Documentary Topic

  At the moment, it has solidly been established that I want to explore the topic of happiness, whilst focusing on affect, and looking into the feeling of mutuality experienced by International students within small groups of collective interests. Nonetheless, I am struggling to pinpoint a narrow topic for the documentary that I intend to […]

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The Exploration of Happiness: Construction and Connections within the Populace of International Students in the United Kingdom

  Aims and Objectives   My research seeks to uncover the theme of happiness within the community of international students. With this project, I have the intention of achieving an understanding of mutual practises, which bind international communities together and underline seemingly ordinary routines. Frable (1997) indicates that identity is diverse and chaotic. This reality […]

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The Use of Tonal and Overtonal Montage in Captain America: Civil War

Tonal and overtonal montage(s) are great carriers of meaning and emotion within film. It is crucial for the audience of a media text to understand what is being shown on screen. The expression of emotion often plays an important role in the understanding of narrative by the audience. In Captain America: Civil War, both tonal […]

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To Grow a Tree Journal IV: International Students > Urban Culture

  http://gph.is/2qyiOHM My research process has seen my focus transition from an extremely broad perception of happiness to a more narrowed down view. I have been speaking to people and researching on the topic of happiness, in hopes of gaining a stronger understanding of what I truly desire to achieve with this project. The discourse […]

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This film uses all of Einsenstien’s 5 montages in depicting reality. Film produced and directed by Emmanuel Johnson and Stephanie Silitonga, starring Jonathan Napitupulu and Mabel Alkali.

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Futuristic – Reflection

Link to Powerpoint Slides: FINAL Futuristic HUMBLE Working in Futuristic group was a pleasant and life-changing experience for me. I would say I learnt a lot; from the process of selecting the right application to use, to working on the right things to say in the presentation. Most of my new-found knowledge is centred around structure […]

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