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Futuristic – Reflection – Emmanuel Johnson

Link to Powerpoint Slides: FINAL Futuristic HUMBLE

Working in Futuristic group was a pleasant and life-changing experience for me. I would say I learnt a lot; from the process of selecting the right application to use, to working on the right things to say in the presentation. Most of my new-found knowledge is centred around structure and organisation. I learnt the importance of having the right content for an audience likewise.

I played a vital role in all our phases of ‘production’. After selecting Snapchat and having it rejected, I told the group to select an application which was ‘controversial and centred around love and youth culture’. This was because, I despised the idea of a boring presentation and knew an application about these would surely be exciting.

After giving the opportunity to everyone in the group to present in our first presentation, I narrowed down and selected two speakers to represent the group. This act helped us have a clearer perspective for future presentations, and allowed other members focus more on other aspects of our work.

I helped provide creative ideas to spice up our presentation and present our message in a more appealing manner; visually and auditory. This differentiated us from the rest and contributed towards the overall success of our presentation at the end.

I had an amazing experience with this group, and felt we were united from the start. However, our work could have been a lot better if we did more readings and showed a deeper understanding of the discourses within them.




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